英検準1級 ライティング予想問題02

問題 02

Agree or disagree: The retirement age should be raised to address the aging population

・Labor shortages
・Advances in technology

1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① より多くの高齢者が働くことで必要な労働力を確保するのに役立つこと。
② 高齢者は豊富な経験を持っていてそれを活用できること。

I agree that the retirement age should be raised to help with the aging population. I believe this for two main reasons: labor shortages and the valuable experience of older workers.

First, because of labor shortages, more older people working helps us have enough workers. Many young people are not working, and older people can fill these jobs. They know a lot and are still strong.

Second, older workers have a lot of experience. This is very good for work because they know how to solve problems and can teach younger workers. When they work longer, they share their skills and help the company.

In conclusion, raising the retirement age is a good idea. It helps with not having enough workers and uses the experience of older workers. This makes work better for everyone. (134語)






2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 高齢者はしばしば健康問題を抱えており、仕事が困難になることがあること。
② 高齢者は新しい技術に追いつくのが難しいかもしれないこと。

I disagree that the retirement age should be raised to help with the aging population. I think this for two main reasons: health and advances in technology.

First, health is a big problem. Older people often have health issues that make working hard. Working longer can make these problems worse because they need more rest and less stress. It is not good for their health to work too much.

Second, advances in technology mean jobs are changing fast. Older people may find it hard to keep up with new technologies at work. Young people usually learn new technologies faster, which can be better for companies that need to stay modern.

In conclusion, raising the retirement age is not a good idea. It is bad for older people's health and does not fit with fast technology changes. We should think of other ways to solve these problems. (146語)




次に、技術の進歩により、職場の仕事内容が急速に変化しています。高齢者は新しい技術に追いつくのが難しいかもしれません。通常、若い人たちは新しい技術をより早く学びますが、これは常に最新でいる必要がある企業にとって有利かもしれません。 結論として、退職年齢を引き上げることは良い考えではありません。それは高齢者の健康に悪影響を及ぼし、急速な技術変化に適合しません。これらの問題を解決する他の方法を考えるべきです。

3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 労働力不足に対して高齢者がより長く働くことができればギャップを埋められること。
② 高齢労働者は多くのことを学んでいるのでその経験は職場で役立つこと。

I agree that we should raise the retirement age because of labor shortages and the valuable experience older workers offer.

Firstly, there aren't enough young people working these days, so we face labor shortages. If older people work longer, they can help fill this gap. This is good for businesses because they need more workers.

Secondly, older workers know a lot from their long careers. Their experience is very useful in the workplace. If they work longer, they can teach younger workers what they know. This helps the whole company work better.

In conclusion, raising the retirement age is a good idea. It helps solve the problem of not having enough workers and makes the best use of experienced older workers. This is good for everyone at work. (128語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 高齢者は長く働くと健康問題を悪化させる可能性があること。
② 技術は常に変化してより複雑になり、高齢者が追いつくのが難しいこと。

I disagree we should raise the retirement age to deal with the aging population. My opinion is based on concerns about health and technology.

Firstly, as people get older, they often face more health problems. If they have to work longer, it might make these problems worse because they need more time to rest. It isn’t fair to make older people work more when they are not feeling well.

Secondly, technology in workplaces is always changing and getting more complex. It can be very hard for older people to keep up with new ways of working, especially if they didn’t grow up using a lot of technology. This can make work stressful and difficult for them.

In conclusion, making the retirement age higher is not a good idea because it can be bad for older people’s health and hard for them to handle new technology at work. (148語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 退職年齢を引き上げることで経験豊富な労働者を長く職場に留めて労働力不足を緩和できること。
② 高齢労働者の経験や知識を若い同僚と共有して職場のパフォーマンスを上げることができること。

I believe that we should raise the retirement age to address the challenges of an aging population. This could help with labor shortages and make use of the experience of older workers.

First, many industries are facing labor shortages as fewer young people enter the workforce. By increasing the retirement age, we can keep more experienced workers on the job longer. This would help businesses keep running smoothly and effectively.

Second, older workers bring a lot of valuable knowledge and skills from their long careers. If they retire later, they can share this experience with younger colleagues, which improves the overall performance of the workplace.

In conclusion, raising the retirement age is a good idea. It helps solve the problem of not having enough workers and allows companies to benefit from the skills of experienced workers. This is beneficial for both the economy and the workforce. (146語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 労働年数を延長は高齢労働者の健康に悪影響を与え、医療費を高騰させるかもしれないこと。
② 高齢労働者は新しい技術に追いつけず、生産性を低下につながる可能性があること。

I disagree with raising the retirement age to manage the aging population, mainly because of health issues and challenges related to technology.

First, health becomes a bigger concern as people age. Extending work years might hurt older workers' health, increasing stress and raising healthcare costs. This could lead to less happiness and poorer health for them.

Second, technology in the workplace evolves rapidly. Older workers might find it hard to keep up with new technologies, which can make them less productive. Younger workers usually adapt to these changes more quickly.

In conclusion, raising the retirement age is not the best solution. It might ease labor shortages, but it could generate health and technology issues for older workers. We should find other ways to deal with the challenges of an aging workforce. (131語)







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