英検準1級 ライティング予想問題09

問題 09

Should companies increase the number of full-time employees rather than part-time employees?

・Job Security
・Work-Life Balance

1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① フルタイムの仕事は安定性と将来の計画性を提供すること。
② フルタイム労働者はより高い給与を得て、生活の質を向上させることができること。

I agree that companies should have more full-time workers instead of part-time workers. This is good for two reasons: job security and salary.

First, full-time jobs give workers more job security. When you have a full-time job, you know you have work every day. This makes people feel safe. They don't worry about losing their job. They can plan for the future better.

Second, full-time workers usually get better pay. They earn more money than part-time workers. This means they can buy more things and have a better life. They can also save money for later.

In conclusion, more full-time jobs are better for workers and companies. Workers feel more secure and earn more money. This makes them happier, and they work better. Companies get workers who stay longer and work harder.







2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① パートタイム労働者は企業にとってコストが低く、より多くの雇用を創出できること。
② パートタイムの仕事は労働者により多くの自由時間を提供し、幸福度を高めること。

I disagree that companies should have more full-time workers instead of part-time workers. There are two main reasons for this: costs and work-life balance.

First, part-time workers cost less for companies. Companies don't need to pay as much money for part-time workers. They don't have to give them as many benefits. This means companies can save money. When companies save money, they can make more jobs for more people.

Second, part-time jobs are good for work-life balance. People who work part-time have more free time. They can spend time with their families. They can do hobbies or study. This makes workers happier. Happy workers do better work.

In conclusion, having more part-time workers can be good for companies and workers. Companies can save money and workers can have more free time. This can make both companies and workers happy. (139語)






3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① フルタイムの仕事は安定性を提供し、労働者の安心感を高めること。
② 規則的な勤務時間により、個人生活の計画が立てやすくなること。

I think companies should have more full-time employees because it is better for job security and work-life balance.

First, full-time jobs give more job security. People with full-time jobs know they have steady work and do not worry about losing their job often. This makes them feel safe and work better.

Second, full-time jobs help people balance work and life. They work regular hours every week, so they can plan their time with family or for hobbies. This is good because they feel happier and more relaxed.

In conclusion, it is good for companies to hire more full-time employees. It makes workers feel secure and helps them manage their time better. This is good for both the workers and the company.(121語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① パートタイム労働者は企業にとって費用が低く、財務的に有利であること。
② パートタイムの仕事は個人の生活状況に合わせやすく、労働者の幸福度を高めること。

I don't think companies should increase the number of full-time employees instead of part-time employees. There are good reasons for having part-time workers.

First, part-time jobs help with costs. Companies don't have to pay as much for part-time workers. They don't need to give them the same benefits as full-time workers. This saves money for the company. When companies save money, they can use it for other important things.

Also, part-time jobs are good for work-life balance. Some people don't want to work full-time. They might have children to take care of or they might be studying. Part-time jobs let them earn money and still have time for other things in their life. This makes workers happier.

In conclusion, part-time jobs are important because they help with costs and work-life balance. While full-time jobs have benefits too, companies should keep a mix of both full-time and part-time workers.(148語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① フルタイムの仕事は安定した収入と雇用を保証し、従業員の安心感を高めること。
② フルタイムの仕事は規則的な勤務時間と休日を提供し、個人生活との調和を促進すること。

I agree that companies should increase the number of full-time employees. There are two main reasons for this.

First, full-time workers feel more secure in their jobs. This is because they have a contract that guarantees them work. They know they have a job and a stable income. This makes them worry less about money.

Also, full-time work allows for a better work-life balance. Employees have set hours and days off. They know when they can relax and spend time with their families. This balance is important for their health and happiness.

For these reasons, companies should hire more full-time employees. It gives employees job security and allows them to have a better work-life balance. This makes for happier and more productive workers.(123語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① パートタイム労働者は福利厚生費が少なく、企業の経費削減に貢献すること。
② パートタイムの仕事は多様な労働者のニーズに対応し、仕事と他の活動のバランスを取りやすくすること。

I think companies should not always hire more full-time employees than part-time employees. Hiring more part-time workers can be better for companies, and here are two reasons why.

First, hiring part-time employees helps companies save money. Part-time workers are cheaper because companies do not need to give them full benefits like health insurance. This can help companies save money and stay in business.

Second, part-time work is flexible. Some people like to work part-time because they have other things to do. For example, they might be students or parents. Part-time jobs let them make money and still have time for other important things.

In conclusion, hiring more part-time workers can be good for both companies and employees. Companies can save money and be more flexible, and people can find jobs that fit their schedules.(134語)







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