英検準1級 ライティング予想問題08

問題 08

Should the government provide more financial support to families with young children?

・Government budget

1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 経済的支援により、親が保育費を賄い、仕事に就くことができること。
② 経済的支援により、家族がより多くの子供を持つことができるようになること。

I think the government should give more financial support to families with young children because it helps with employment and the population.

First, when families get more money, parents can work better. Some parents need to stay home because childcare is too expensive. With more support, they can pay for childcare and go to work. This is good for the family and the economy because more people working means more money moving in the economy.

Also, more financial support can encourage families to have more children. In many places, people are having fewer children because it is very expensive. More support can help families afford to have more children, which is good for the country's future.

For these reasons, the government should help families with young children. This can make more parents work and increase the number of children, which is good for the country.(145語)






2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 過度の経済的支援は、家族が政府の援助に頼りすぎる結果を招く可能性があること。
② 家族への追加支援は、他の重要な公共サービスのための資金を減少させる可能性があること。

I think the government should not give more financial support to families with young children because it can cause dependency and problems with the government budget.

First, if the government gives more money to families, they might depend too much on this help. This is not good because parents might not try to find better jobs or improve their skills. They might just wait for the government money.

Second, more financial support for families means the government has to spend more money. This can be a problem because the government also needs money for other important things like hospitals, schools, and roads. If the government spends too much on families, there might not be enough money for these other important services.

In conclusion, the government should be careful about giving more money to families with young children. It can make people too dependent and hurt the government's budget.(148語)






3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 経済的支援により、より多くのカップルが子供を持つことを決断し、人口のバランスが保たれること。
② 経済的支援により、親が保育費を賄えるようになり、より多くの親が働くことができること。

I agree that the government should provide more financial support to families with young children. This is important for two main reasons: population growth and employment.

First, more financial support can help with population growth. Many people want to have children but worry about money. If the government gives more help, more couples might decide to have children. This is good for the country's future because it keeps the population balanced.

Second, financial support can improve employment. When parents get help with money, they can pay for childcare. This means they can work more easily. More working parents is good for the economy. It also helps families earn more money and live better lives.

In conclusion, giving more financial support to families with young children is a good idea. It can help increase the population and make it easier for parents to work.(143語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 家族への追加支援は、他の重要な分野(教育や医療など)への資金を減少させる可能性があること。
② 過度の経済的支援は、家族が政府の援助に頼りすぎるようになり、将来の自立を困難にする可能性があること。

I disagree that the government should provide more financial support to families with young children. While this idea may seem helpful, there are important reasons why it might not be the best solution.

First, it can create problems with the government budget. The government has limited money to spend on many different things. If it gives more money to families with children, it might have to reduce spending on other important areas like education or healthcare.

Second, more financial support might lead to dependency. If families get too much help from the government, they might start to rely on this money too much. This can make it harder for them to become independent and support themselves in the future.

In conclusion, while helping families is important, giving more financial support might not be the best way. It can strain the government budget and create dependency.(144語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 経済的支援により、親が保育費を賄い、職場復帰しやすくなること。
② 早期の十分な支援により、将来的な社会福祉への依存が減少し、長期的にはコスト削減につながること。

I believe the government should give more financial support to families with young children. This is important because it helps with employment and reduces dependency on social welfare.

Firstly, more financial support can help parents return to work. Many parents stay at home because childcare is too expensive. If the government provides more money, it can cover some of these costs. This allows parents to work more, which is good for the economy.

Secondly, by giving families this support, we can reduce their need for other types of social welfare in the future. When families get enough support early on, they are less likely to need more help later. This makes them more independent and reduces the overall cost of social welfare for the government.

Therefore, increasing financial aid to families with young children is a wise choice. It helps more parents work and reduces long-term dependency on government help.(150語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 家族への経済的援助を増やすことは、他の必要な分野への資金を減少させ政府の予算に負担をかけること。
② 過度な財政支援は家族が政府の援助に依存するようになるリスクがあること。

I don't think the government should increase financial support to families with young children. This could impact the government budget and increase dependency.

Firstly, increasing financial aid to families might strain the government's budget. Governments have limited money, and spending more on family support could mean less money for other important areas like healthcare and education. We need to be careful with how we use government funds because they come from everyone's taxes.

Secondly, too much financial help might lead to dependency. If families get used to receiving money from the government, they might not work as hard to improve their own financial situation. It's important for families to be independent and not rely too much on government help.

In conclusion, while supporting families is important, increasing financial aid could have negative effects on the government's budget and people's independence. We should consider these risks carefully.(146語)







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