英検準1級 ライティング予想問題06

問題 06

Should elementary schools teach programming as a core subject?

・ Jobs
・ Technology
・ Curriculum
・ Stress

1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 将来の仕事に必要なスキルを身につけられること。
② テクノロジーの仕組みを理解し、その知識を活用できるようになること。

I think elementary schools should teach programming as a core subject. It is good for jobs and helps with technology.

First, programming helps children learn skills they need for jobs in the future. Many jobs now need people who can program. If children learn programming early, they will be ready for these jobs when they are older.

Second, understanding technology is very important today. Programming teaches children not just how to use technology, but also how it works. This knowledge is very useful because technology is everywhere now.

In conclusion, programming is important for future jobs and for understanding technology. Schools should teach it as a core subject to help children be ready for the future. This will help them in many ways when they grow up.(127語)






2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 既存の重要科目の時間が減り、カリキュラムが過密になること。
② プログラミングは小学生には難しすぎ、ストレスの原因となる可能性があること。

I think elementary schools should not teach programming as a core subject. It is too much for the curriculum and can make students feel stressed.

First, schools already teach many subjects like math, reading, and science. Adding programming means less time for these important subjects. This can make the school day too busy for children.

Second, programming is hard for young kids. It involves a lot of complex problem-solving and thinking. This can be too difficult and make children feel stressed and unhappy.

For these reasons, programming is useful, but it should not be a core subject in elementary schools. It can make school too hard and stressful for young children. Schools should keep learning fun and not too difficult. (120語)






3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 技術が遍在する現代社会で、子供たちがテクノロジーの仕組みを理解するのに役立つこと。
② プログラミングスキルを早期に習得することで、子供たちの将来の就職準備になること。

I believe elementary schools should teach programming as a core subject because it is good for understanding technology and preparing for future jobs.

First, technology is everywhere today. Learning programming helps children understand how things work, like computers and apps. This is important because technology will be a big part of their future. Schools teach programming now so children are ready for tomorrow.

Second, many jobs in the future will need programming skills. Starting early means children will be ready for these jobs when they grow up. It's like learning a language; it's easier when you are young.

In conclusion, teaching programming in elementary schools is a good idea. It helps children with technology and prepares them for future jobs. This makes them ready to succeed in a world where technology is very important.(134語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 他の重要な基礎科目の時間が減少し、カリキュラムのバランスが崩れること。
② プログラミングは幼い子供たちにとって難しすぎ、過度のストレスを引き起こす可能性があること。

I believe elementary schools should not teach programming as a core subject. It can cause too much stress and overcrowd the curriculum.

First, adding programming as a core subject means there will be less time for other important subjects like math, reading, and science. Schools need to focus on these basic subjects because they are essential for all children's education.

Second, programming can be very stressful for young children. It requires a lot of focus and complex thinking. Young children are still learning basic skills and should not be overwhelmed with too difficult subjects.

In conclusion, while programming is important, it should not be a core subject in elementary schools. It can make learning too stressful and take time away from other important subjects. Schools should keep education enjoyable and manageable for young children. (134語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① プログラミングスキルを早期に身につけることができ、就職市場での優位性を獲得できること。
② テクノロジーの仕組みを理解し、技術リテラシーを向上させることができること。

I believe that elementary schools should teach programming as a core subject because it prepares students for future jobs and helps them understand technology.

First, many future careers will require knowledge of programming. By learning programming at a young age, children can develop skills that are essential in the job market. This early start can give them an advantage in technology-related fields.

Also, understanding technology is increasingly important in our digital world. Programming teaches children not just how to use technology, but also how it works. This knowledge is essential for understanding today's world full of technology.

For these reasons, introducing programming in elementary schools is beneficial. It prepares children for future job opportunities and enhances their technological literacy. Schools should integrate programming into the curriculum to equip students with valuable skills for the future.(135語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① プログラミングは複雑で、子供たちがストレスを感じ、学びへの興味を失う可能性があること。
② カリキュラムは既に充実しており、プログラミングを追加すると他の重要な学習時間が減少すること。

I disagree that elementary schools should teach programming as a core subject. While technology is important, young children need to focus on basic skills first. Reading, writing, and math are more essential at this age.

First, programming can be stressful for young students. It requires complex thinking that many children are not ready for. They might feel frustrated or overwhelmed if forced to learn coding too early. This stress could make them dislike school and learning in general.

Second, the current curriculum is already full. There are many subjects that students need to learn. Adding programming would mean less time for other important topics. Schools have limited time and resources. They need to use these wisely to give students a well-rounded education.

In conclusion, while programming is valuable, it should not be a core subject in elementary schools. It's better to focus on fundamental skills and introduce coding later.(149語)







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