英検準1級 ライティング予想問題05

問題 05

Should there be restrictions on driving licenses for elderly drivers?


1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 高齢ドライバーの視力低下などは危険を引き起こす可能性があり、安全のためにルールが必要であること。
② 新車の技術は高齢ドライバーの安全運転を支援し、ルールで技術活用を促進できること。

I think the government should put some restrictions on driving licenses for elderly drivers. This is important for safety and to help them use technology better.

First, safety is very important. Elderly drivers sometimes do not see well and react slowly. This can be dangerous for them and for other people on the road. We need rules to make sure everyone is safe.

Second, technology can help elderly drivers. There are new tools in cars that can help them drive safely. For example, some cars can warn drivers if they are going too fast or if there is something in the road. If there are rules, more elderly drivers might use these helpful tools.

In conclusion, it is good to have some rules for elderly drivers. This can make driving safer and help them use new technology. This is good for everyone. (142語)






2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 運転は高齢者の自立に重要で、免許を取り上げると行動が制限されること。
② 多くの高齢ドライバーは豊富な運転経験とスキルがあり、年齢だけでなく個々の能力を評価すべきであること。

I think the government should not put strict restrictions on driving licenses for elderly drivers. It is important to respect their independence and recognize their skills.

First, independence is crucial for elderly people. Driving helps them go to places like the store, doctor, or to see friends. If we take away their licenses, they might feel trapped at home. This is not fair because being able to move freely is important for everyone.

Also, many elderly drivers have a lot of driving experience. They have skills that they have developed over many years. Just because someone is old does not mean they cannot drive safely. We should look at each person's ability, not just their age.

For these reasons, elderly drivers should not face strict rules just because of their age. We should respect their need for independence and value their skills. This is better for everyone. (147語)






3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 高齢者は視力や反射神経の低下で危険に対応しにくく、事故のリスクが高まること。
② 運転以外にも公共交通機関やライドシェアなど、高齢者が自立を保つ代替手段があること。

I think there should be driving restrictions for elderly drivers. This is important for two main reasons.

First, safety is a big concern. As people get older, their eyesight and reflexes can become worse. This makes it difficult to react quickly to dangers on the road. Elderly drivers might have accidents because they don’t see a car or a person crossing the street.

Also, although driving means independence for elderly people, there are other ways to stay independent. For example, they can use public transportation, ask family members for rides, or use ride-sharing services. These options can be safer and more convenient.

For these reasons, restrictions on driving licenses for the elderly are necessary. These rules protect everyone on the road and encourage alternative forms of transportation. (127語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 多くの高齢ドライバーは経験豊富であり、年齢だけでなく、個人のスキルなどを考慮すべきであること。
② 運転は高齢者の自立に重要で、免許を取り上げると、自由が制限され、他人への依存が増加すること。

Some people believe there should be driving restrictions for elderly drivers, but I disagree. I believe age shouldn't be the only factor in deciding who can drive.

First, it’s important to consider individual skills, not just age. Many elderly drivers are still very careful and follow traffic rules. They have years of experience and good driving records. We shouldn't punish good drivers just because they are getting older.

Second, driving means independence for many elderly people. They use their cars to go to the doctor, visit friends, and participate in activities. If we take away their licenses, we limit their freedom and make them rely on others.

In conclusion, we should focus on assessing individual driving skills and needs, not age. Taking away licenses from all elderly people is unfair and takes away their independence.(135語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 高齢者は反射神経の低下や視力の衰えにより、安全上のリスクになること。
② 現代の車の複雑なテクノロジーは高齢ドライバーを混乱させ危険な状況につながる恐れがあること。

I think there should be restrictions on driving licenses for elderly drivers, mainly for safety reasons and because of the challenges posed by modern car technology.

Firstly, safety is very important when it comes to elderly drivers. As people get older, their reflexes might slow down and their eyesight can get worse. These changes can make it hard for them to react quickly to surprises on the road, which can be dangerous for them and others.

Secondly, modern cars have a lot of new technology that can be hard for some elderly people to use. Many cars now have complicated systems and controls that can confuse older drivers. This confusion can create unsafe situations while driving.

We need to respect older people's independence, but we also have to make sure the roads are safe. Therefore, it makes sense to put some limits on driving licenses for elderly drivers.(148語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 運転は高齢者の自立と生活の質に重要で、免許制限は日常生活に支障をきたす可能性があること。
② 最新の自動車技術は高齢ドライバーの安全運転を支援し、年齢に関連する運転の課題に対処できること。

I don't agree with putting restrictions on driving licenses for elderly drivers. Independence is very important for older people, and technology can help keep them safe while driving.

First, being able to drive is key to the well-being of elderly people. It lets them stay independent, keep in touch with their communities, and do everyday tasks on their own. Losing this ability can make them feel isolated and lower their quality of life.

Also, car technology is improving and can assist older drivers. Many new cars have safety features like lane departure warnings, automatic emergency braking, and parking assistance. These tools can address some age-related challenges and help keep elderly drivers safe.

Instead of general rules based on age, we should assess each person individually and use technology to ensure road safety for all.(134語)







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