英検準1級 ライティング予想問題04

問題 04

Should the government provide more financial support to college students?

・The economy
・Work-study balance

1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 大学の費用が高く、政府の支援で多くの学生が教育を受けられるようになること。
② 経済的支援により学生は勉強に集中でき、新しいアイデアを生み出し経済に貢献できること。

I think the government should give more financial support to college students. This help is very important because it can make education more affordable and help students focus on their studies.

First, college costs are very high. Many students can't afford to pay for college on their own. If the government gives more money, more students can go to college. This is good because education helps everyone do better in life.

Second, when students do not have to work many hours, they can focus more on their studies. This helps them learn better and come up with new ideas. New ideas can help make new things and improve the economy.

In conclusion, the government should help pay for college. This help is good because it makes education easier to afford and helps students focus on learning. This is good for all of us. (143語)






2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 大学生への支援は高額で、その資金は他の公共サービスに使えること。
② 勉強しながら働くことで、学生は将来役立つ実践的スキルを習得できること。

I do not think the government should give more financial support to college students. There are reasons why this might not be the best choice.

First, giving more money to college students is very expensive. The government has to spend a lot of money. This money can be used for other things like hospitals and elementary schools which help everyone.

Second, when students work while they study, they learn important skills like how to manage time and work hard. These skills are very useful for jobs later.

In conclusion, the government should think carefully about spending more money on college students. It costs a lot, and working while studying is good for students. This is why I think more support is not needed. (123語)






3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 経済的支援により、学生は勉強に集中でき、新しいアイデアや技術を生み出す可能性が高まること。
② 教育を受けた人材は良い仕事を得て、経済全体にプラスの影響を与えること。

I think the government should give more financial support to college students. This help is good for innovation and the economy.

First, when students have financial support, they can spend more time on their studies and less time working jobs. This is important because it helps students focus on learning. When students learn more, they can come up with new ideas. These ideas can create new technologies and solutions.

Second, supporting students also helps the economy. Educated people can get better jobs. These jobs often pay more money and need high skills. When people have good jobs, they spend more money, and this is good for everyone’s business.

In conclusion, the government should help college students more. This help is good because it supports learning and helps the economy grow. Everyone benefits from this support. (135語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 支援増加は高額で、その資金は他の重要な公共サービスに使えること。
② 過度の学生支援は増税や予算削減を招き、経済全体に悪影響を与える可能性があること。

I do not think the government should give more financial support to college students. There are reasons why this might not be a good idea.

First, providing more financial support is very expensive. The government has limited money and must be careful about how it is spent. This money could be used for other important things like healthcare or primary schools, which help everyone.

Second, if the government spends too much on college students, it might not be good for the economy in the long run. It could lead to higher taxes or less spending in other important areas. This might hurt everyone’s financial situation.

In conclusion, the government should think carefully about giving more money to college students. It is expensive and could cause problems for the economy. This is why I think the government should not increase financial support to college students. (144語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 高額な大学費用の負担を軽減し、学生が学業に集中できるようにすること。
② 仕事と勉強のバランスを改善し、学生が革新的なプロジェクトに取り組む機会を増やすこと。

I believe the government should provide more financial support to college students. This support can help with the high costs of education and improve students' ability to balance work and study.

First, the cost of attending college is very high. Many students struggle to afford tuition and other expenses. More financial support from the government means students can focus on their studies instead of worrying about paying for school. This makes higher education more accessible.

Second, when students aren't forced to work long hours to support themselves, they have more time to focus on their studies. This better work-study balance allows students to engage more in innovative projects that can boost the economy.

In conclusion, the government should increase financial support for college students. This help would not only lessen their financial stress but also improve their academic work and help the economy grow. (144語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 追加支援は高額で、他の重要な公共サービスへの資金を減らす可能性があること。
② 過度の支援は学生の仕事経験を減らし、重要な生活スキルの習得を妨げること。

I do not think the government should provide more financial support to college students. There are reasons to reconsider this approach, particularly concerning costs and the economy.

First, providing more financial support to college students is very costly. The government already spends a lot on education, and additional support could lead to less money for other important services like healthcare and infrastructure. This could affect the overall economy negatively because these areas are also essential for societal well-being.

Second, too much financial support could make students less motivated to work while studying. The balance between work and study is important. It teaches students responsibility and time management, skills that are valuable in the job market.

In conclusion, the government should not increase financial support for college students. It is expensive and might discourage important life skills development. Instead, students should be encouraged to manage both studying and part-time work. (149語)







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