英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題10

問題 10

From: Tom Smith
To: John Brown
Date: September 15
Subject: Join Soccer Club

Hi John,

I'm in the soccer club at school. It's really fun and good exercise too! We practice every Tuesday and Thursday after school on the big field. Would you like to join our club? We need more players for our team. You don't need to be good at soccer. We can teach you how to play and improve your skills. Please come to our practice this Thursday at 3:30 p.m. if you want to try. You can just watch if you prefer. I hope to see you there!

Your friend,

From: John Brown
To: Tom Smith
Date: September 16
Subject: Re: Join Soccer Club

Hello Tom,

Thank you for inviting me to join the soccer club. It sounds interesting and exciting! I would like to try, but I have a few questions. Do I need to buy special shoes for soccer? Also, what time does practice finish? My mom needs to know when to pick me up. Do I need to bring anything else? I will come to the practice on Thursday to watch. Maybe I will join if I like it. It would be nice to play sports with you.

See you soon,

From: Tom Smith
To: John Brown
Date: September 16
Subject: Re: Join Soccer Club

Hi John,

I'm happy you want to try soccer! You don't need to buy special shoes now. You can wear your normal sports shoes for the first few practices. Our practice usually finishes at 5:00 p.m. Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes. Also, if you have shin guards, bring them too, but don't worry if you don't have any. I will introduce you to our coach and other team members on Thursday. Everyone is very friendly. Let me know if you have any more questions. I'm excited to see you at practice!

See you on Thursday!

(23) Why does Tom write his first email?
1 To ask John to buy soccer shoes
2 To invite John to join the soccer club
3 To tell John about a soccer game
4 To ask John to teach soccer

(24) What does John want to know in his email?
1 Where the soccer field is
2 How many people are in the club
3 When the practice ends
4 Who the coach is

(25) What does Tom say John should bring to practice?
1 Special soccer shoes
2 A water bottle
3 A soccer ball
4 New clothes



(23) Why does Tom write his first email? (トムが最初のメールを書いた理由は何ですか?)

1 To ask John to buy soccer shoes (ジョンにサッカーシューズを買うよう頼む)
2 To invite John to join the soccer club (ジョンをサッカークラブに誘う)
3 To tell John about a soccer game (ジョンにサッカーの試合について伝える)
4 To ask John to teach soccer (ジョンにサッカーを教えるよう頼む)

正解: 2 To invite John to join the soccer club


"Would you like to join our club?" (私たちのクラブに参加しませんか?)


(24) What does John want to know in his email? (ジョンは彼のメールで何を知りたがっていますか?)

1 Where the soccer field is (サッカー場がどこにあるか)
2 How many people are in the club (クラブに何人いるか)
3 When the practice ends (練習がいつ終わるか)
4 Who the coach is (コーチが誰か)

正解: 3 When the practice ends


"Also, what time does practice finish? My mom needs to know when to pick me up." (それと、練習は何時に終わりますか?母が迎えに来る時間を知る必要があるんです。)

(25) What does Tom say John should bring to practice? (トムはジョンに練習に何を持ってくるべきだと言っていますか?)

1 Special soccer shoes (特別なサッカーシューズ)
2 A water bottle (水筒)
3 A soccer ball (サッカーボール)
4 New clothes (新しい服)

正解: 2 A water bottle


"Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothes." (水筒を持ってきて、動きやすい服を着てきてください。)


From: トム・スミス
To: ジョン・ブラウン
Date: 9月15日
Subject: サッカークラブに参加しよう





From: ジョン・ブラウン
To: トム・スミス
Date: 9月16日
Subject: Re: サッカークラブに参加しよう





From: トム・スミス
To: ジョン・ブラウン
Date: 9月16日
Subject: Re: サッカークラブに参加しよう





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