英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題09

問題 09


From: Anna White
To: David Black
Date: September 15
Subject: Weekend Plans

Hi David,

How are you? I hope everything is going well with you! I wanted to ask if you have any plans for the weekend. I am really excited because I want to go hiking in the mountains. The weather will be nice, and it will be a great adventure. Do you want to come with me? I think it will be a lot of fun to explore the trails together. Let me know if you are interested!

Your friend,

From: David Black
To: Anna White
Date: September 16
Subject: Re: Weekend Plans

Hi Anna,

I’m good, thanks! I would love to go hiking with you. I have new hiking boots that I want to try out. What should I bring for the hike? Do we need to pack food and water for the trip? I want to make sure we have everything we need to enjoy our time in nature. Let me know what you think!

Your friend,

From: Anna White
To: David Black
Date: September 17
Subject: Re: Weekend Plans

Hi David,

I’m so glad you want to go hiking! The park sounds like a great place for us to explore. Please bring your boots, a hat to protect yourself from the sun, and a backpack to carry our things. We will definitely need food and water. I can bring sandwiches and some fruit for us to eat. Let’s meet at 9 AM at the park entrance so we can start our adventure early. I can’t wait to see you!

Your friend,

(23) What does Anna want to do on the weekend?
1 Go hiking.
2 Visit a museum.
3 Go to the beach.
4 Stay home and read.

(24) What new item does David have for hiking?
1 A hat.
2 Hiking boots.
3 A backpack.
4 A camera.

(25) What time will Anna and David meet?
1 8 AM.
2 9 AM.
3 10 AM.
4 11 AM.



(23) What does Anna want to do on the weekend? (アンナは週末に何をしたいと思っていますか?)

1 Go hiking. (ハイキングに行く。)
2 Visit a museum. (美術館に行く。)
3 Go to the beach. (ビーチに行く。)
4 Stay home and read. (家で読書をする。)

正解: 1 Go hiking.


「I am really excited because I want to go hiking in the mountains.」(山でハイキングに行きたいので、本当にわくわくしています。)

(24) What new item does David have for hiking? (デイビッドがハイキング用に持っている新しいアイテムは何ですか?)

1 A hat. (帽子)
2 Hiking boots. (ハイキングブーツ)
3 A backpack. (バックパック)
4 A camera. (カメラ)

正解: 2 Hiking boots.


「I have new hiking boots that I want to try out.」(試してみたい新しいハイキングブーツを持っています。)

(25) What time will Anna and David meet? (アンナとデイビッドは何時に会う予定ですか?)

1 8 AM. (午前8時)
2 9 AM. (午前9時)
3 10 AM. (午前10時)
4 11 AM. (午前11時)

正解: 2 9 AM.


「Let's meet at 9 AM at the park entrance so we can start our adventure early.」(早く冒険を始められるように、午前9時に公園の入り口で会いましょう。)


From: アンナ・ホワイト
To: デイビッド・ブラック
Date: 9月15日
Subject: 週末の計画

こんにちは デイビッド、




From: デイビッド・ブラック
To: アンナ・ホワイト
Date: 9月16日
Subject: Re: 週末の計画

こんにちは アンナ、




From: アンナ・ホワイト
To: デイビッド・ブラック
Date: 9月17日
Subject: Re: 週末の計画

こんにちは デイビッド、




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