英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題07

問題 07


From: Tom Lee
To: Sarah Kim
Date: August 5
Subject: New School

Hi Sarah,

How are you? I hope you are doing well! I wanted to share some news with you. I'm starting a new school next week, and I'm feeling a bit worried about it. It's always hard to make new friends, and I want to fit in. Do you have any advice for me on how to make new friends? I hope to join the soccer team because I really enjoy playing soccer. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas to help!

Your friend,

From: Sarah Kim
To: Tom Lee
Date: August 6
Subject: Re: New School

Hi Tom,

I'm good, thank you! I think starting a new school can be exciting and a little uncomfortable at the same time. I have some advice for you. Try to smile and say hello to everyone you meet. It's a good way to start a conversation. Joining the soccer team is a fantastic idea! It's a great way to meet new people who like the same things as you. Do you need help with anything else, like finding your classes or getting ready for the first day?

Your friend,

From: Tom Lee
To: Sarah Kim
Date: August 7
Subject: Re: New School

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the great advice! I will definitely try to smile more and say hello to everyone. I'm really looking forward to playing soccer with my new teammates. Can you help me with my math homework? I find it a bit difficult, and I want to make sure I understand everything before school starts. I appreciate your help so much!

Your friend,

(23) Why is Tom worried?
1 He is starting a new school.
2 He has a math test.
3 He lost his soccer ball.
4 He is moving to a new city.

(24) What advice does Sarah give Tom?
1 Smile and say hello.
2 Study hard.
3 Play video games.
4 Stay quiet.

(25) What does Tom ask Sarah to help with?
1 English homework.
2 Math homework.
3 Science project.
4 History report.



(23) Why is Tom worried? (トムはなぜ心配していますか?)

1 He is starting a new school. (新しい学校に入学するから。)
2 He has a math test. (数学のテストがあるから。)
3 He lost his soccer ball. (サッカーボールをなくしたから。)
4 He is moving to a new city. (新しい町に引っ越すから。)

正解: 1 He is starting a new school.


「I'm starting a new school next week, and I'm feeling a bit worried about it.」(来週から新しい学校に入学するんだ。それについて少し心配なんだ。)


(24) What advice does Sarah give Tom? (サラはトムにどんなアドバイスをしていますか?)

1 Smile and say hello. (笑顔であいさつをする。)
2 Study hard. (一生懸命勉強する。)
3 Play video games. (ビデオゲームをする。)
4 Stay quiet. (静かにしている。)

正解: 1 Smile and say hello.


「Try to smile and say hello to everyone you meet. It's a good way to start a conversation.」(会う人みんなに笑顔で挨拶してみて。会話を始めるのにいい方法よ。)

(25) What does Tom ask Sarah to help with? (トムはサラに何の手伝いを頼んでいますか?)

1 English homework. (英語の宿題)
2 Math homework. (数学の宿題)
3 Science project. (理科のプロジェクト)
4 History report. (歴史のレポート)

正解: 2 Math homework.


「Can you help me with my math homework? I find it a bit difficult, and I want to make sure I understand everything before school starts.」(数学の宿題を手伝ってくれない?ちょっと難しくて、学校が始まる前にすべてを理解しておきたいんだ。)


From: トム・リー
To: サラ・キム
Date: 8月5日
Subject: 新しい学校





From: サラ・キム
To: トム・リー
Date: 8月6日
Subject: Re: 新しい学校





From: トム・リー
To: サラ・キム
Date: 8月7日
Subject: Re: 新しい学校





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