英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題06

問題 06


From: Lisa Green
To: Tom Green
Date: May 14
Subject: Birthday Party Plans!

Hi Tom,
How are you today? I am very excited about your birthday party next week. Remember last year's chocolate cake? Everyone liked it, right? I'm planning to make the same cake again if you want. What do you think? Also, do you want to invite your friends Sam, Mike, Emma, and Jack to join the party? We can set up some fun games for all of you. It will be a great day. Please let me know about the cake and who to invite as soon as you can.

From: Tom Green
To: Lisa Green
Date: May 14
Subject: Re: Birthday Party Plans!

Hi Mom,
Thanks for the email! I'm really looking forward to the party. The chocolate cake from last year was perfect, so yes, please make the same one again! About inviting friends, please invite Emma. Sam, Mike, and Jack have a basketball game that day, so they can't come. Emma is the only one who can make it. About the food—can we also have some pizza and maybe some ice cream? That would be great!
See you soon,

From: Lisa Green
To: Tom Green
Date: May 14
Subject: Re: Re: Birthday Party Plans!

Dear Tom,
I'm glad you're excited! The chocolate cake and pizza are surely on the menu, and I'll make sure we have plenty of ice cream too. I will send out the invitation to Emma today. It's too bad the others can't come, but I'm sure you and Emma will have a great time. Your birthday is going to be great with all the fun and games we have planned. Looking forward to celebrating with you!

(23) What kind of cake does Tom want for his birthday?
1 Cheese cake
2 Strawberry cake
3 Chocolate cake
4 Fruit cake

(24) Who can come to Tom's birthday party?
1 Mike
2 Emma
3 Sam
4 Jack

(25) What other food does Tom ask for?
1 Hamburgers and soda.
2 Hot dogs and chips.
3 Sandwiches and juice.
4 Pizza and ice cream.



(23) What kind of cake does Tom want for his birthday? (トムは誕生日にどんなケーキを欲しがっていますか?)

1 Cheese cake (チーズケーキ)
2 Strawberry cake (イチゴケーキ)
3 Chocolate cake (チョコレートケーキ)
4 Fruit cake (フルーツケーキ)

正解: 3 Chocolate cake


「The chocolate cake from last year was perfect, so yes, please make the same one again!」(去年のチョコレートケーキは完璧だったから、はい、同じものをもう一度作ってください!)

(24) Who can come to Tom's birthday party? (誰がトムの誕生日パーティーに来られますか?)

1 Mike (マイク)
2 Emma (エマ)
3 Sam (サム)
4 Jack (ジャック)

正解: 2 Emma


「About inviting friends, please invite Emma. Sam, Mike, and Jack have a basketball game that day, so they can't come. Emma is the only one who can make it.」(友達を招くことについては、エマを招いてください。サム、マイク、ジャックはその日バスケットボールの試合があるので来られません。エマだけが来られます。)

(25) What other food does Tom ask for? (トムはほかにどんな食べ物を頼んでいますか?)

1 Hamburgers and soda. (ハンバーガーとソーダ)
2 Hot dogs and chips. (ホットドッグとチップス)
3 Sandwiches and juice. (サンドイッチとジュース)
4 Pizza and ice cream. (ピザとアイスクリーム)

正解: 4 Pizza and ice cream


「About the food—can we also have some pizza and maybe some ice cream? That would be great!」(食べ物について—ピザと多分アイスクリームも用意できますか?それが素晴らしいです!)


From: リサ・グリーン
To: トム・グリーン
Date: 5月14日
Subject: 誕生日パーティーの計画!





From: トム・グリーン
To: リサ・グリー
Date: 5月14日
Subject: Re: 誕生日パーティーの計画!





From: リサ・グリーン
To: トム・グリー
Date: 5月14日
Subject: Re: Re: 誕生日パーティーの計画!





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