英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題05

問題 05


From: Emily White
To: Tom Wilson
Date: December 3
Subject: Winter Break Plans

Hi Tom,
Winter break is coming soon, and I'm really looking forward to it! Do you have any plans? My family is thinking about going skiing in the mountains. Have you ever been skiing before? Is it hard to learn, or do you think I can learn it quickly? Also, what should I wear to stay warm? I heard it's really cold up there, and I want to make sure I'm prepared. I'd love to hear any tips or advice you have for a first-time skier. Thanks!
Your friend,

From: Tom Wilson
To: Emily White
Date: December 3
Subject: Re: Winter Break Plans

Hi Emily,
Winter break sounds like a lot of fun! Yes, I have been skiing many times, and it's one of my favorite winter activities. Skiing can be a bit challenging at first, but you'll learn it after a few tries. You should wear warm clothes like a thick jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks to keep yourself comfortable. It's really cold in the mountains, so wearing many warm clothes is a good idea. Don't forget to bring sunscreen, too, because the sun can be strong even in the winter. Have a great time skiing and enjoy your break!
Your friend,

From: Emily White
To: Tom Wilson
Date: December 3
Subject: Thanks

Hi Tom,
Thanks so much for the advice! I'll make sure to pack warm clothes. I'm really excited to try skiing and see the beautiful mountains. I'll also remember to bring sunscreen. Your tips are very helpful. I hope you have a wonderful winter break as well! I'll take lots of pictures at the ski resort and send them to you. It will be fun to share my first skiing experience with you!

Your friend,


(23) What did Emily ask Tom about skiing?
1 If it's fun.
2 If it's expensive.
3 If it's safe.
4 If it's hard to learn.

(24) What did Tom tell Emily to do for skiing?
1 Bring sunglasses.
2 Wear warm clothes.
3 Watch videos for beginners.
4 Rent ski equipment.

(25) What will Emily do during her ski trip?
1 Send pictures to Tom.
2 Learn to snowboard.
3 Stay in a luxury hotel.
4 Buy gifts for friends.



(23) What did Emily ask Tom about skiing? (エミリーはトムにスキーについて何を尋ねましたか?)

1 If it's fun. (楽しいかどうか)
2 If it's expensive. (高価かどうか)
3 If it's safe. (安全かどうか)
4 If it's hard to learn. (学ぶのが難しいかどうか)

正解: 4 If it's hard to learn.


「Is it hard to learn, or do you think I can learn it quickly?」(学ぶのは難しいですか、それとも私はすぐに習得できると思いますか?)

(24) What did Tom tell Emily to do for skiing? (トムはエミリーにスキーのために何をするよう伝えましたか?)

1 Bring sunglasses. (サングラスを持ってくる)
2 Wear warm clothes. (暖かい服を着る)
3 Watch videos for beginners. (初心者向けのビデオを見る)
4 Rent ski equipment. (スキー用具をレンタルする)

正解: 2 Wear warm clothes.


「You should wear warm clothes like a thick jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks to keep yourself comfortable.」(快適に過ごすために、厚手のジャケット、手袋、帽子、暖かい靴下のような暖かい服を着るべきです。)

(25) What will Emily do during her ski trip? (エミリーはスキー旅行中に何をしますか?)

1 Send pictures to Tom. (トムに写真を送る)
2 Learn to snowboard. (スノーボードを学ぶ)
3 Stay in a luxury hotel. (高級ホテルに滞在する)
4 Buy gifts for friends. (友達へのプレゼントを買う)

正解: 1 Send pictures to Tom.


「I'll take lots of pictures at the ski resort and send them to you.」(スキー場でたくさん写真を撮って、あなたに送ります。)


From: エミリー・ホワイト
To: トム・ウィルソン
Date: 12月3日
Subject: 冬休みの計画





From: トム・ウィルソン
To: エミリー・ホワイト
Date: 12月3日
Subject: Re: 冬休みの計画





From: エミリー・ホワイト
To: トム・ウィルソン
Date: 12月3日
Subject: ありがとう





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