英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題04

問題 04


From: Lisa Green
To: Mark Brown
Date: October 15
Subject: Birthday Party

Hi Mark,
I'm planning my birthday party for next Saturday, and I really want you to come. The party will be at my house at 2 PM. We will have a variety of games, lots of delicious food, and we'll watch a movie together. What kind of movies do you like? I want to make sure everyone enjoys the movie. Also, do you have any food allergies*? I'm planning to have different types of snacks and drinks. Let me know if there's anything special you'd like. Please let me know soon so I can plan everything.
Your friend,

From: Mark Brown
To: Lisa Green
Date: October 15
Subject: Re: Birthday Party

Hi Lisa,
I would love to come to your birthday party! It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. I really enjoy action movies, but honestly, I'm okay with any movie you choose. I don't have any food allergies, so you don't need to worry about that. I'm looking forward to the games and spending time with everyone. I'll be there at 2 PM. Thanks for inviting me! I'm excited about the variety of games you mentioned. Is there anything specific I should bring to the party? I'd be happy to contribute some snacks or drinks if you'd like.
Your friend,

From: Lisa Green
To: Mark Brown
Date: October 15
Subject: Thanks

Hi Mark,
Thanks for letting me know. I'm glad you can make it to the party. I'll choose a fun action movie for us to watch. I've got lots of games planned, and I'm sure you'll have a great time. See you next Saturday! Don't worry about bringing anything, I've got everything covered. By the way, the party will start at 2 PM and end around 8 PM. We'll have pizza for dinner, and of course, birthday cake for dessert. I can't wait to celebrate with you and all our friends!
Your friend,

*food allergies: 食物アレルギー

(23) What did Lisa ask Mark about?
1 His favorite game.
2 His favorite type of movie.
3 His favorite color.
4 His favorite food.

(24) What type of movie does Mark like?
1 Comedy.
2 Horror.
3 Action.
4 Romance.

(25) When will the party end?
1 At 6 PM
2 At 7 PM
3 At 8 PM
4 At 9 PM



(23) What did Lisa ask Mark about? (リサはマークに何について尋ねましたか?)

1 His favorite type of movie. (彼の好きな映画の種類。)
2 His favorite game. (彼の好きなゲーム。)
3 His favorite color. (彼の好きな色。)
4 His favorite food. (彼の好きな食べ物。)

正解: 1 His favorite type of movie.


「What kind of movies do you like? I want to make sure everyone enjoys the movie.」(どんな映画が好き?みんなが楽しめる映画を選びたいの。)

(24) What type of movie does Mark like? (マークはどんな種類の映画が好きですか?)

1 Comedy. (コメディ。)
2 Horror. (ホラー。)
3 Action. (アクション。)
4 Romance. (ロマンス。)

正解: 3 Action.


「I really enjoy action movies, but honestly, I'm okay with any movie you choose.」(アクション映画が大好きだけど、正直なところ、君が選ぶどんな映画でも大丈夫だよ。)

(25) When will the party end? (パーティーはいつ終わりますか?)

1 At 6 PM (午後6時)
2 At 7 PM (午後7時)
3 At 8 PM (午後8時)
4 At 9 PM (午後9時)

正解: 3 At 8 PM


「By the way, the party will start at 2 PM and end around 8 PM.」(ところで、パーティーは午後2時に始まって、8時頃に終わる予定よ。)


From: リサ・グリーン
To: マーク・ブラウン
Date: 10月15日
Subject: 誕生日パーティー





From: マーク・ブラウン
To: リサ・グリーン
Date: 10月15日
Subject: Re: 誕生日パーティー





From: リサ・グリーン
To: マーク・ブラウン
Date: 10月15日
Subject: ありがとう





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