英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題03

問題 03


From: Anna Johnson
To: Kevin Smith
Date: May 12
Subject: Summer Camp

Hi Kevin,
I'm really excited about our summer camp next month. I heard you went last year, and I would love to hear more about it. Can you tell me what it was like? What should I bring with me? Should I pack a raincoat, or is an umbrella enough? Also, do they have any fun activities like swimming or hiking? I want to make sure I'm fully prepared. Did you make any new friends there? I can't wait to hear about your experience and any tips you have.
Your friend,

From: Kevin Smith
To: Anna Johnson
Date: May 12
Subject: Re: Summer Camp

Hi Anna,
The summer camp is absolutely amazing! Yes, I went last year, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. You should definitely bring a raincoat because it sometimes rains when you don't think it will. They have a lot of activities like swimming, hiking, and even campfires at night. I loved the hiking trails* there; they were beautiful and a lot of fun to walk around and see. You'll also get to meet many new people and make new friends. Make sure to bring comfortable shoes for hiking and your favorite snacks. You're going to have so much fun!
Your friend,

From: Anna Johnson
To: Kevin Smith
Date: May 12
Subject: Thanks

Hi Kevin,
Thanks so much for all the information! I'll make sure to pack my raincoat and comfortable shoes. I'm really looking forward to walking on the hiking trails and swimming. It sounds like such a fun adventure. I can't wait to go and hopefully make new friends just like you did. I appreciate your advice and tips. See you soon!
Your friend,

*hiking trails: ハイキングコース

(23) What did Anna ask Kevin about the summer camp?
1 The weather.
2 The activities.
3 The food.
4 The camp location.

(24) What activity did Kevin mention he loved?
1 Swimming.
2 Hiking.
3 Campfires.
4 Fishing.

(25) What will Anna pack for the summer camp?
1 A flashlight.
2 A raincoat.
3 A map.
4 A camera.



(23) What did Anna ask Kevin about the summer camp?(アンナはケビンに夏のキャンプについて何を尋ねましたか?)

1 The weather.(天気)
2 The camp location.(キャンプの場所)
3 The food.(食べ物)
4 The activities.(アクティビティ)

正解: 4 The activities.


「Also, do they have any fun activities like swimming or hiking?」(それに、水泳やハイキングのような楽しいアクティビティはありますか?)

(24) What activity did Kevin mention he loved?(ケビンは何のアクティビティが好きだと言及しましたか?)

1 Hiking.(ハイキング)
2 Swimming.(水泳)
3 Campfires.(キャンプファイヤー)
4 Fishing.(釣り)

正解: 1 Hiking.


「I loved the hiking trails there; they were beautiful and a lot of fun to walk around and see.」(そこのハイキングコースが大好きでした。美しくて、歩き回って見るのがとても楽しかったです。)

(25) What will Anna pack for the summer camp?(アンナは夏のキャンプに何を持っていきますか?)

1 A flashlight.(懐中電灯)
2 A raincoat.(レインコート)
3 A map.(地図)
4 A camera.(カメラ)

正解: 2 A raincoat.


「I'll make sure to pack my raincoat and comfortable shoes.」(レインコートと履きやすい靴を必ず持っていきます。)


From: アンナ・ジョンソン
To: ケビン・スミス
Date: 5月12日
Subject: 夏のキャンプ





From: ケビン・スミス
To: アンナ・ジョンソン
Date: 5月12日
Subject: Re: 夏のキャンプ





From: アンナ・ジョンソン
To: ケビン・スミス
Date: 5月12日
Subject: ありがとう





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