英検3級 長文Eメール予想問題02

問題 02
From: Henry Wang
To: Sally Wang
Date: June 5
Subject: Our Trip to the Zoo
Hi Sally,
Are you ready for our trip to the zoo tomorrow? I'm very happy to go! I want to see many animals, like elephants, lions, and monkeys. Let's meet at the zoo entrance at 10:00 a.m. Can you bring some food and drinks for us? I think sandwiches and juice would be good. We can eat lunch together in the zoo. After we eat, we can watch the animals eat too. There are special times when the zoo workers give food to the animals. It's fun to watch!
See you tomorrow,
From: Sally Wang
To: Henry Wang
Date: June 5**
Subject: Re: Our Trip to the Zoo
Hello Henry,
Yes, I'm ready for our zoo trip! I'm very happy too. I will bring tuna sandwiches and apple juice for us. That sounds good for lunch. I will see you at 10:00 a.m. at the zoo entrance. I'm excited to see all the animals with you. I like monkeys the most. What about you? Let's have a fun day at the zoo together!
See you tomorrow,
(23) What are Henry and Sally planning to do?
1 Visit a museum.
2 Have a picnic in the park.
3 Attend a concert.
4 Go to the zoo.
(24) What does Henry want Sally to bring?
1 Some toys for the animals.
2 Lunch for their trip.
3 A camera to take photos.
4 Tickets for the zoo.
(25) Which animal does Sally say she likes the most?
1 Elephants
2 Lions
3 Monkeys
4 Giraffes
(23) What are Henry and Sally planning to do?(ヘンリーとサリーは何をする計画ですか?)
1 Visit a museum.(博物館を訪れる。)
2 Have a picnic in the park.(公園でピクニックをする。)
3 Attend a concert.(コンサートに参加する。)
4 Go to the zoo.(動物園に行く。)
正解: 4 Go to the zoo.
「Are you ready for our trip to the zoo tomorrow?」(明日の動物園への旅行の準備はできていますか?)
(24) What does Henry want Sally to bring?(ヘンリーはサリーに何を持ってきてほしいと思っていますか?)
1 Some toys for the animals.(動物用のおもちゃ。)
2 Lunch for their trip.(旅行用の昼食。)
3 A camera to take photos.(写真を撮るためのカメラ。)
4 Tickets for the zoo.(動物園のチケット。)
正解: 2 Lunch for their trip.
「Can you bring some food and drinks for us? I think sandwiches and juice would be good.」(食べ物と飲み物を持ってきてくれる?サンドイッチとジュースがいいと思うんだ。)
(25) Which animal does Sally say she likes the most?(サリーはどの動物が一番好きだと言っていますか?)
1 Elephants(象)
2 Lions(ライオン)
3 Monkeys(猿)
4 Giraffes(キリン)
正解: 3 Monkeys
「I like monkeys the most.」(私は猿が一番好きです。)
From: ヘンリー・ワン
To: サリー・ワン
Date: 6月5日
Subject: 動物園への旅行について
From: サリー・ワン
To: ヘンリー・ワン
Date: 6月5日
Subject: Re: 動物園への旅行について