英検3級 長文掲示・案内予想問題10
問題 10
次の掲示の内容に関して,(21) と(22) の質問に対する答えとして最も適切なもの,または文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを1,2,3,4 の中から一つ選び,その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい。
Fall Music Festival
Date: October 20 to October 24
Cost: $200 (Pay by October 5)
Calling all middle school music fans! Join our fun five-day Fall Music Festival at Melody Park. This event is for students who like music, even if you're just starting to learn.
You can join music classes, play with others, and perform on a real stage. Nice teachers will help you learn new skills each day. There's a big show on the last night that everyone can join!
Bring your instrument if you have one, easy-to-wear clothes, and a water bottle. Come to the park at 9:00 a.m. on October 20. We'll give you lunch and dinner every day.
To join, give your form to your music teacher by September 30. Everyone must come to a meeting in the school gym at 4:30 p.m. on October 5.
(21) What should students bring to the festival?
1 Lunch for each day
2 Money for dinner
3 A music book
4 A water bottle
(22) Students who want to join the festival must
1 be very good at playing music.
2 pay $200 before September 30.
3 go to the meeting on October 5.
4 perform alone on the stage.
(21) What should students bring to the festival?(学生は何をフェスティバルに持っていくべきですか?)
1 Lunch for each day(毎日の昼食)
2 Money for dinner(夕食代)
3 A music book(楽譜)
4 A water bottle(水筒)
正解: 4 A water bottle
「Bring your instrument if you have one, easy-to-wear clothes, and a water bottle.」
(22) Students who want to join the festival must(フェスティバルに参加したい学生は必ず)
1 be very good at playing music.(音楽を演奏するのが上手でなければならない。)
2 pay $200 before September 30.(9月30日までに200ドルを支払わなければならない。)
3 go to the meeting on October 5.(10月5日のミーティングに行かなければならない。)
4 perform alone on the stage.(ステージで一人で演奏しなければならない。)
正解: 3 go to the meeting on October 5.
「Everyone must come to a meeting in the school gym at 4:30 p.m. on October 5.」