英検2級 ライティング要約予想問題09

問題 09

● 以下の英文を読んで,その内容を英語で要約し,解答欄に記入しなさい。
● 語数の目安は45語~55語です。
● 解答は,解答用紙のB面にある英文要約解答欄に書きなさい。なお,解答欄の外 に書かれたものは採点されません。
● 解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は,0点と採点されることが あります。英文をよく読んでから答えてください。

Studying abroad is becoming more common for students. Many universities have programs to help students study abroad. These programs often help students find places to live and deal with paperwork. They also teach students what to expect before they leave their home country.

Studying abroad offers many benefits. Students can improve their language skills by living in a foreign country. They learn about different cultures and ways of life. This experience can help them become more independent and confident. Studying abroad can also look good on a resume and help with future job opportunities.

However, there are also challenges to studying abroad. It can be expensive, including travel costs and living expenses. Some students feel homesick or have trouble adjusting to a new culture. There might be difficulties with different teaching styles or academic expectations. Despite these challenges, many students find studying abroad to be a valuable and life-changing experience.





2. 各パラグラフの重要情報を抽出する

Studying abroad is becoming more common for students. Many universities have programs to help students study abroad. These programs often help students find places to live and deal with paperwork. They also teach students what to expect before they leave their home country.


1. "Studying abroad is becoming more common"


2. "Many universities have programs to help students study abroad"


3. "These programs often help students find places to live and deal with paperwork"



Studying abroad offers many benefits. Students can improve their language skills by living in a foreign country. They learn about different cultures and ways of life. This experience can help them become more independent and confident. Studying abroad can also look good on a resume and help with future job opportunities.

1. "Students can improve their language skills"


2. "They learn about different cultures and ways of life"


3. "Studying abroad can also look good on a resume and help with future job opportunities"



However, there are also challenges to studying abroad. It can be expensive, including travel costs and living expenses. Some students feel homesick or have trouble adjusting to a new culture. There might be difficulties with different teaching styles or academic expectations. Despite these challenges, many students find studying abroad to be a valuable and life-changing experience.

1. "It can be expensive"


2. "Some students feel homesick or have trouble adjusting to a new culture"


3. "Despite these challenges, many students find studying abroad to be a valuable and life-changing experience"



抽出した情報をより簡単な表現に置き換えます。例:「improve their language skills」を「learn languages」に簡略化します。

4. 全体の構造を決める




6. 語数と内容、文法の確認


- 三人称単数現在形の-s
- 複数形の-s
- 主語と動詞の一致
- 冠詞の使用(必要な箇所に "a", "an", "the" があるか)



Studying abroad is becoming popular. Many schools help students go abroad. Students can learn languages and about other cultures. It looks good on a resume and helps with job opportunities. However, it can be expensive, and some students feel homesick or have trouble adjusting. Despite these challenges, many find it a valuable experience. (53 words)








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