英検2級 ライティング要約予想問題07

問題 07

● 以下の英文を読んで,その内容を英語で要約し,解答欄に記入しなさい。
● 語数の目安は45語~55語です。
● 解答は,解答用紙のB面にある英文要約解答欄に書きなさい。なお,解答欄の外 に書かれたものは採点されません。
● 解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は,0点と採点されることが あります。英文をよく読んでから答えてください。

Online shopping has become very popular in recent years. People can buy almost anything on the internet, from clothes to groceries. This has changed the way many people shop.

There are many advantages to online shopping. It's convenient because you can shop anytime from home. There's often a wider selection of products available online. It's easy to compare prices between different stores. Many online shops offer home delivery, which saves time. Some people find it easier to stick to a budget when shopping online.

However, online shopping also has some drawbacks. You can't see or touch products before buying them, which can lead to disappointment. There can be issues with delivery, like delays or damaged items. Some people worry about the security of their personal information online. Online shopping can also make it harder for local stores to compete. Some argue that it reduces social interaction and hurts communities.





2. 各パラグラフの重要情報を抽出する


Online shopping has become very popular in recent years. People can buy almost anything on the internet, from clothes to groceries. This has changed the way many people shop.

1. "Online shopping has become very popular"


2. "People can buy almost anything on the internet"


3. "This has changed the way many people shop"


4. "This has changed the way many people shop"



There are many advantages to online shopping. It's convenient because you can shop anytime from home. There's often a wider selection of products available online. It's easy to compare prices between different stores. Many online shops offer home delivery, which saves time. Some people find it easier to stick to a budget when shopping online.

1. "It's convenient because you can shop anytime from home"


2. "There's often a wider selection of products available online"


3. "It's easy to compare prices between different stores"


4. "Many online shops offer home delivery"


5. "Some people find it easier to stick to a budget when shopping online"



However, online shopping also has some drawbacks. You can't see or touch products before buying them, which can lead to disappointment. There can be issues with delivery, like delays or damaged items. Some people worry about the security of their personal information online. Online shopping can also make it harder for local stores to compete. Some argue that it reduces social interaction and hurts communities.

1. "You can't see or touch products before buying them"


2. "There can be issues with delivery"


3. "Some people worry about the security of their personal information online"


4. "Online shopping can also make it harder for local stores to compete"


5. "Some argue that it reduces social interaction and hurts communities"



例えば、「There's often a wider selection of products available online」を「There are more choices online」とシンプルにします。


・「wider selection of products」を「more choices」に簡略化

・「available online」を単に「online」に短縮

・文構造を "There's often..." から "There are..." に変更し、よりシンプルな表現に

4. 全体の構造を決める




6. 語数と内容、文法の確認


- 三人称単数現在形の-s
- 複数形の-s
- 主語と動詞の一致
- 冠詞の使用(必要な箇所に "a", "an", "the" があるか)



Online shopping is very popular now, changing how people buy. It is easy to shop from home, compare prices, and stay within budget. There are more choices online. However, people cannot see items before buying. Some worry about delivery and online safety. It may have a negative effect on local stores and communities. (53 words)








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