英検2級 ライティング要約予想問題05

問題 05

● 以下の英文を読んで,その内容を英語で要約し,解答欄に記入しなさい。
● 語数の目安は45語~55語です。
● 解答は,解答用紙のB面にある英文要約解答欄に書きなさい。なお,解答欄の外 に書かれたものは採点されません。
● 解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は,0点と採点されることが あります。英文をよく読んでから答えてください。

Club activities are an important part of student life in many schools. These are groups where students can pursue interests outside of regular classes. Common clubs include sports teams, music groups, and science clubs.

Joining a club has many benefits for students. It allows them to make new friends who share similar interests. Students can develop new skills and talents through regular practice. Clubs can teach teamwork and leadership skills. Participating in club activities can also look good on college applications or resumes.

However, club activities can also have some drawbacks. They often require a lot of time and energy, which can interfere with studying. Some students feel pressure to join clubs even if they're not interested. There can be competition and stress in some clubs, especially sports teams. Balancing club activities with schoolwork and other responsibilities can be challenging for some students.





2. 各パラグラフの重要情報を抽出する


Club activities are an important part of student life in many schools. These are groups where students can pursue interests outside of regular classes. Common clubs include sports teams, music groups, and science clubs.

1. "Club activities are an important part of student life"


2. "students can pursue interests outside of regular classes"



Joining a club has many benefits for students. It allows them to make new friends who share similar interests. Students can develop new skills and talents through regular practice. Clubs can teach teamwork and leadership skills. Participating in club activities can also look good on college applications or resumes.

1. "It allows them to make new friends"


2. "Students can develop new skills and talents"


3. "Clubs can teach teamwork and leadership skills"


4. " Participating in club activities can also look good on college applications or resumes "



However, club activities can also have some drawbacks. They often require a lot of time and energy, which can interfere with studying. Some students feel pressure to join clubs even if they're not interested. There can be competition and stress in some clubs, especially sports teams. Balancing club activities with schoolwork and other responsibilities can be challenging for some students.

1. "They often require a lot of time and energy"


2. “Some students feel pressure to join clubs even if they're not interested”


3. “There can be competition and stress in some clubs”


4. "Balancing club activities with schoolwork and other responsibilities can be challenging"



抽出した情報をより簡単な表現に置き換えます。例えば、「pursue interests outside of regular classes(通常の授業以外の興味を追求する)」を「do things they like(好きなことをする)」とシンプルにします。

4. 全体の構造を決める




6. 語数と内容、文法の確認


- 三人称単数現在形の-s
- 複数形の-s
- 主語と動詞の一致
- 冠詞の使用(必要な箇所に "a", "an", "the" があるか)



Club activities are important in schools. Students do things they like, make friends, and learn new skills. Clubs can help with college applications. However, they take time and energy. Some students feel forced to join. Club activities can be stressful and hard to balance with schoolwork. (46 words)








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