英検2級 ライティング要約予想問題03

問題 03

● 以下の英文を読んで,その内容を英語で要約し,解答欄に記入しなさい。
● 語数の目安は45語~55語です。
● 解答は,解答用紙のB面にある英文要約解答欄に書きなさい。なお,解答欄の外 に書かれたものは採点されません。
● 解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は,0点と採点されることが あります。英文をよく読んでから答えてください。

Smartphones have become a big part of many people's lives. These devices let us talk to friends, find information, and do many tasks easily. Almost everyone, from students to older people, uses smartphones now.

Smartphones have many good points. They help us stay in touch with friends and family through calls, messages, and social media. We can quickly find answers to questions on the internet. Smartphones also have useful tools like maps, cameras, and calendars. Many people use them for work, study, and fun.

However, smartphones can also cause problems. Some people use their phones too much and don't sleep well. Looking at phones for a long time can hurt your eyes. There are worries about keeping personal information safe on phones. Some think that smartphones make it hard for people to focus on other things in daily life.







Smartphones have become a big part of many people's lives. These devices let us talk to friends, find information, and do many tasks easily. Almost everyone, from students to older people, uses smartphones now.

"Smartphones have become a big part of many people's lives"


"These devices let us talk to friends, find information, and do many tasks easily"



Smartphones have many good points. They help us stay in touch with friends and family through calls, messages, and social media. We can quickly find answers to questions on the internet. Smartphones also have useful tools like maps, cameras, and calendars. Many people use them for work, study, and fun.

"They help us stay in touch with friends and family"


"We can quickly find answers to questions on the internet"


"Smartphones also have useful tools"



However, smartphones can also cause problems. Some people use their phones too much and don't sleep well. Looking at phones for a long time can hurt your eyes. There are worries about keeping personal information safe on phones. Some think that smartphones make it hard for people to focus on other things in daily life.

"Some people use their phones too much and don't sleep well"


"Looking at phones for a long time can hurt your eyes"


“There are worries about keeping personal information safe on phones”


"Some think that smartphones make it hard for people to focus"



"have become a big part" という表現を、よりシンプルで直接的な "are important"、"Some people use their phones too much and don't sleep well"→ "too much use can cause problems with sleep" (「一部の人々は電話を使いすぎて、よく眠れない」→「使いすぎは睡眠の問題を引き起こす可能性がある」)などに置き換えます。





6. 語数と内容、文法の確認


- 三人称単数現在形の-s
- 複数形の-s
- 主語と動詞の一致
- 冠詞の使用(必要な箇所に "a", "an", "the" があるか)



Smartphones are important in many people's lives. They help us stay in touch, find information, and do tasks easily. They have useful tools like maps and cameras. However, too much use can cause sleep and eye problems. There are also worries about keeping personal information safe on phones. It can make focusing hard as well. (55 words)








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