英検準1級 ライティング予想問題07

問題 07

Should major cities promote the use of bicycles?

・The environment

1.Agreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 自転車は汚染を生まず、空気をきれいに保つので環境によいこと。
② 自転車の利用増加は車の数を減らし、交通渋滞を緩和すること。

I think major cities should promote the use of bicycles. Bicycles are good for the environment and can help with traffic problems.

First, bicycles do not produce pollution like cars. This is good for the environment because clean air is important for our health. When more people ride bicycles, there is less pollution.

Second, bicycles can reduce traffic. In big cities, there are often many cars and this causes traffic jams. If more people ride bicycles, there will be fewer cars on the roads. This makes traveling faster for everyone.

In conclusion, bicycles are helpful for keeping the air clean and making traffic better. Major cities should encourage people to use bicycles more often. This will help everyone in the city. (121語)






2.Disagreeで英検準2級の語彙レベル(CEFR A2)の解答例



① 大都市での自転車利用は危険を伴い、事故のリスクがあること。
② 自転車の増加は既に混雑している都市の交通をさらに複雑にする可能性があること。

I think major cities should not promote the use of bicycles too much. While bicycles are good for the environment and health, there are problems with safety and traffic.

First, bicycles can be dangerous in big cities. There are many cars, and not all drivers see bicycles. This can cause accidents. Also, not all cities have safe places to ride bikes, like bike lanes.

Second, more bicycles can make traffic problems worse. Streets in big cities are very busy. Adding many bicycles can make it more difficult for everyone to move around. Sometimes there is not enough space for both cars and bicycles.

In conclusion, bicycles are good for health and do not harm the environment, but they can be unsafe and cause traffic issues in big cities. It is important to think about safety and traffic before promoting bicycles. (140語)






3.Agreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 自転車は汚染を減らし、空気をきれいにすること。
② 自転車は運動となり、人々の健康を向上させること。

I believe that major cities should promote the use of bicycles because it benefits both the environment and public health.

Firstly, using bicycles helps reduce pollution. Cars produce a lot of pollution, but bicycles do not emit any harmful gases. This is good for the environment because cleaner air is healthier for everyone. When cities have fewer cars on the road, the air becomes cleaner.

Secondly, cycling is very good for health. It is a form of exercise that helps people stay fit and healthy. When people ride bikes instead of driving, they move more and improve their fitness. This can reduce health problems in the city.

In conclusion, promoting bicycles in major cities is a great idea because it makes the air cleaner and helps people stay healthy. Cities should encourage more people to cycle to improve the environment and public health.(143語)






4.Disagreeで英検2級の語彙レベル(CEFR B1)の解答例



① 大都市での自転車利用は危険を伴い、事故のリスクが高いこと。
② 自転車の増加は既に混雑している都市の交通をさらに複雑にし、渋滞を悪化させる可能性があること。

I think major cities should not promote the use of bicycles too strongly because of safety concerns and traffic issues.

First, cycling in big cities can be very dangerous. There are many cars and buses, and not all drivers are careful around bicycles. This can lead to accidents. Also, many cities do not have enough safe bike lanes, which makes it risky for cyclists.

Second, increasing the number of bicycles on busy city streets can actually make traffic worse. Streets are often not wide enough to handle both cars and a large number of bicycles. This can cause more traffic jams and slow down everyone’s travel time.

In conclusion, while bicycles are environmentally friendly and good for health, the safety risks and potential for worse traffic make it challenging for cities to promote their use heavily. It is important to consider these factors carefully.(144語)






5.Agreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 自転車は汚染を生まず、都市の空気をきれいにすること。
② 自転車利用の増加は道路上の車を減らし、全体的な交通流を改善すること。

I believe that major cities should definitely promote the use of bicycles, mainly for the benefits it brings to the environment and to reduce traffic congestion.

Firstly, cycling is great for the environment. Bikes produce no pollution, which means less smog and cleaner air in our cities. This is crucial because pollution from cars is a big problem in many places.

Secondly, bicycles can help reduce traffic. In big cities, roads are often very crowded with cars, leading to slow-moving traffic and long delays. If more people cycle, there will be fewer cars on the road, which can make travel faster and less stressful for everyone.

In conclusion, promoting the use of bicycles in urban areas is a wise decision because it helps protect the environment and improves traffic flow. This makes our cities healthier and more pleasant places to live.(141語)






6.Disagreeで英検準1級の語彙レベル(CEFR B2)の解答例



① 大都市での自転車利用は危険を伴い、適切なインフラが不足していること。
② 自転車の増加は新たな種類の交通混雑を引き起こす可能性があること。

I believe that major cities should not heavily promote the use of bicycles due to safety and traffic concerns.

First, cycling in large cities can be very unsafe. Streets are often crowded with cars, buses, and trucks, leading to dangerous situations for cyclists. Not all cities have proper bike lanes, increasing the risk of accidents.

Also, while bicycles can reduce car traffic, they can also cause different kinds of congestion. Many city roads are not built for bicycles, cars, and pedestrians simultaneously. This can increase traffic jams and conflicts, especially during busy times.

For these reasons, even though bicycles are beneficial for the environment and health, the safety risks and traffic issues make it hard for cities to promote them as a primary travel mode. It is important to consider these challenges before encouraging more cycling in urban areas. (139語)







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