英検3級 長文掲示・案内予想問題03

問題 03

次の掲示の内容に関して,(21) と(22) の質問に対する答えとして最も適切なもの,または文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを1,2,3,4 の中から一つ選び,その番号のマーク欄をぬりつぶしなさい。

Greenwood School Sports Day

Come to our school sports day on Friday! It is a special day for all students and teachers. We will play many fun games like running and soccer. There will be games for everyone to enjoy. Parents and families are welcome to join us too.

Date: Friday, June 9
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

We will run fast in races. We will also play soccer with friends. Winners of each game get nice prizes like books, balls, or small toys.

Please bring:

  • Sports clothes
  • Water
  • Sun cream

You can eat lunch at school from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

(21) What should you bring?
1 School books
2 Water
3 Pets
4 Bikes

(22) The school will give
1 homework to do after the sports day.
2 food for lunch to all students.
3 prizes to the winners of games.
4 new sports clothes to wear.



(21) What should you bring?(何を持ってくるべきですか?)

1 School books(学校の本)
2 Water(水)
3 Pets(ペット)
4 Bikes(自転車)

正解: 2 Water

掲示文の「Please bring:」(持ってくるもの:)のリストに、「Water」(水)が含まれています。これが正解の根拠となります。

(22) The school will give(学校が提供するのは)

1 homework to do after the sports day.(スポーツデー後にする宿題)
2 food for lunch to all students.(全生徒に昼食)
3 prizes to the winners of games.(ゲームの勝者に賞品)
4 new sports clothes to wear.(着用する新しいスポーツウェア)

正解: 3 prizes to the winners of games.

掲示文に「Winners of each game get nice prizes.」(各ゲームの勝者は素敵な賞品をもらいます。)という記述があります。これが正解の根拠となります。




時間:午前8時 - 午後2時



- スポーツウェア
- 水
- 日焼け止め



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